【同义词辨析】 2020-10-16 独处标志痕迹用处胜利(5小组一起记)
(1) 独处
solitude: stresses aloneness and a lack of contact and may imply being cut off by wish or compulsion from one's usual associates: the ~ enjoyed by the long-distance trucker. (solitude多表自愿,如she longed for peace and solitude她渴望安宁,独享清静, 如the peace and solitude of the woods独自在宁静的树林中,如例句中的长途司机,都是自己希望独自一人,感到享受,又如王维的<竹里馆>: "独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸。深林人不知,明月来相照",独自一人的意境十分优美) by wish自愿,compel逼迫某人做某事
isolation: stresses often involuntary detachment or separation from others: the oppressive ~ of the village during winter. (isolate多表示非自愿,如this decision will isolate the country from the rest of Europe这一决定会使国家在欧洲陷入孤立,如elderly people easily become socially isolated上了年纪的人很容易变得与社会隔绝, 如home/self isolation for coronavirus patients新冠患者家庭/自我隔离) voluntary自愿志愿,involuntary被迫
seclusion: suggests a shutting away or keeping apart from others and often connotes a deliberate withdrawal from the world or retirement to a quiet life: lived in bucolic ~ surrounded by his art collection. (隐居者是recluse,a person who lives alone and deliberately avoids other people,如Tao Yuanming was a recluse, he led a reclusive life=he lived in seclusion陶渊明是隐居者,过着隐居的生活) retire离开
solitude独处: 强调独自的状态,无论是否自愿,常表自愿,isolation隔离隔绝: 强调被迫与其他人隔绝,seclusion隐居归隐: 表示有意远离世界,归隐清静生活
记忆方法: 1)练习一下
2)独处的意思是一个人的状态mean the state of one who is alone.
(2) 标志
symbol: is applicable to an outward sign of something spiritual or immaterial: a king's crown is the ~ of his sovereignty and his scepter the ~ of his authority. (sign迹象标志applies to any indication to be perceived by the senses or the reason泛指任何用于指示的、可以被感知和推理的事物,如interpreted her smile as a good sign她的微笑是个好的迹象,call the police at the first sign of trouble一有闹事的苗头就叫警察,如a road/traffic/shop/pub/plus/minus/dollar/pound sign道路/交通标志/商店/酒吧招牌/加/减/美元/英镑符号+-$/£,sign language手语,如伊索寓言中
emblem: may apply to a pictorial device or representation chosen as the symbol of a person, a nation, a royal line, or other institution that has adopted it: the fleur-de-lis is the ~ of French royalty. 鸢尾花纹章 如America's national emblem, the bald eagle美国的国徽——白头鹫,the club emblem俱乐部的徽章,emblem也可表示标志象征=symbol,如the eagle was an emblem of strength and courage鹰是力量和勇气的象征
attribute: with emblem, may apply to an object that is conventionally represented in art as an accompanying symbol of a character or of a personified abstraction: the blindness that is the ~ of Justice. 常表示属性品质quality,如patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher/doctor耐心是教师/医生最重要的品质之一
symbol标志符号: 指无形事物的外在标志,emblem徽章: 指标志个人国家家族机构的图案器件或图案,attribute标志象征: 类似emblem,指在美术作品中伴随着某种抽象品格的标志象征
记忆方法: 1)练习一下
2)标志的意思是代表无形事物的有形事物mean a perceptible thing that stands for something unseen or intangible.
(3) 痕迹
trace: may suggest any line, mark, or discernible effect left behind: an animal species believed to have vanished without a ~.
vestige: applies to a tangible reminder such as a fragment or remnant of what is past or gone: boulders that are ~s of the last ice age. (remnant残余部分剩余部分a part of something that is left after the other parts have been used, removed, destroyed, etc. 等于remains,如the woods are remnants of a huge forest which once covered the whole area这片树林只是残余部分,原来是一大片森林,如after twenty-four hours of fighting, the remnants of the force were fleeing战斗24个小时后,残余部队逃跑了;fragment碎片a small part of something broken,如fragments of a shattered vase打碎的花瓶的碎片,fragments of their conversation他们谈话的只言片语) remind使回忆使想起 如the last vestige of the British Empire大英帝国最后的余晖,如例句巨石是冰河时期的残余
track: implies a continuous line of marks or footprints or scent that can be followed: the fossilized ~s of dinosaurs. (如hunters tracking and shooting bears追踪射猎熊的猎人,we continued tracking the plane on our radar我们继续用雷达追踪那架飞机,the research project involves tracking the careers of 400 graduates研究项目对400名毕业生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查; 还表示赛道、路径,如track and field田径场 )
trace痕迹: 泛指先前事物留下的任何线条斑块等可觉察的痕迹,vestige残存: 指先前事物留下的残余 ,track踪迹: 指可连续追踪的线,如斑块脚印气味
记忆方法: 1)练习一下
2)痕迹的意思是先前事物留下的、可觉察的事物mean a perceptible thing made by something that has passed. "迹"本义是"脚印",进而扩展到"任何物体遗留下的印痕",如足迹踪迹行迹绝迹血迹笔迹痕迹印迹蛛丝马迹;引申为"前人留下的事物(主要指建筑或器物)",如古迹胜迹遗迹事迹史迹奇迹 "痕"本义是"疮伤痊愈后留下的疤",如疤痕伤痕裂痕,从疒chuáng表示和疾病有关,艮gèn声,艮表示转动。引申为泛指斑点痕迹,如泪痕痕迹,如苔痕上阶绿,如鸟归沙有迹,帆过浪无痕 踪和迹同义,本义脚印,可引申为为留下的痕迹,如踪迹行踪跟踪失踪
(4) 用处
use: implies little more than suitability for employment for some purpose specified or implied: she hated to throw away anything that might have some ~.
usefulness: is employed chiefly with reference to definite concrete things that serve or are capable of serving a practical purpose: demonstrated the ~ of the gadget.
utility: may differ from usefulness, especially in technical use, by implying a measurable property or one that can be viewed as an abstraction: a college major of no immediate ~. (1、用处(抽象),如belief in the utility of higher education相信高等教育是有用处的,如utile dulci有用甜美是一个拉丁短语,有人用它形容乔布斯的设计理念 2、utility还表示公共事业a service provided for the public, for example an electricity, water or gas supply,如the administration of public utilities公共事业管理,如public utilities such as gas, electricity and phones煤气电电话等公共事业)
use用处: 泛指能够发挥某种功能,无论抽象具体,usefulness用处: 指具体事物发挥具体功能,utility用处: 指抽象属性(不需具体指出何种功能)
记忆方法: 1)练习一下
2)用处的意思是具有发挥功能的能力mean a capacity for serving an end or purpose. "用"的本义是"使人或物发挥功能",象形字,是桶的形状,三竖表示木板,横线表示把木板串连。桶可以使用,所以用它的形状表示"用"。如用人用力用餐用洗手间用钱用心,"费用"转义为因为耗费或使用而需支付的钱财
(5) 胜利
victory: stresses the fact of winning against an opponent or against odds: won an upset ~ in the election. upset victory反转取胜转败为胜 (odds困难difficulty,如do something against odds做某事困难重重,如some women do manage to achieve business success against odds尽管困难重重,一些女性还是在商界获得成功)
conquest: stresses the subjugation or mastery of a defeated opponent, be it a personal antagonist or a difficult undertaking: the ~ of space. (subjugate征服臣服to defeat and gain control over someone战胜并控制,如a subjugated race被征服的民族) (如the Norman Conquest (= of England in 1066) 诺曼征服,即1066年诺曼人征服英国,如despite his conquests, he remains lonely and isolated尽管他俘获过很多女人的芳心,却依然孤单寂寞)
triumph: suggests a brilliant or decisive victory or an overwhelming conquest and usually connotes the acclaim and personal satisfaction accruing to the winner: crossed the finish line, her arms aloft in ~. (acclaim赞誉to praise,如international/popular/critical acclaim国际上的/公众的/评论家的赞誉) (如arch of triumph凯旋门,a triumphal procession/arch胜利游行/凯旋门,good triumphs over正义战胜邪恶,如the bridge is an engineering/personal triumph该桥是工程界/个人的巨大成就,如例句跨过终点线,胜利地高举双手)
victory胜利: 仅表示事实,战胜对手或困难,conquest征服: 强调失败一方被主宰臣服,如对手或困难的事业,triumph胜利凯旋: 表示巨大(brilliant光辉的)决定性压倒性的胜利,给人赢得赞誉和满足
记忆方法: 1)练习一下
2)胜利的意思是赢得竞争或斗争mean a successful outcome in a contest or struggle. "胜"的本义是"禁得起、胜任",繁体是"勝",由朕和力组成,朕是古人的自称,合起来表示本义: 禁得起能胜任,又如不胜其烦不胜酒力。引申为 1、打败对方或达到目的,如胜券胜诉胜负兵家常事百战百胜 2、超过占优势,如优胜胜似日出江花红胜火少年胜于欧洲则国胜于欧洲 3、优美的,如胜地胜迹胜景东南形胜 "赢"的本义是"获利",象形字,类似螺的形象,如赢利赢得;引申为取胜,和输相对,如输赢躺着赢生而为赢双赢赢家